Headshot of Evgeny Tsymbal
George Holmes Distinguished Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
310B Jorgensen Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588-0299

Email: tsymbal@unl.edu
Phone: (402) 472-2586

Evgeny Tsymbal joined the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) in 2002 as Associate Professor, was promoted to Full Professor with Tenure in 2005, and was named Charles Bessey Professor in 2009 and George Holmes University Distinguished Professor in 2013. Prior to his appointment at UNL he was a senior research scientist at University of Oxford, United Kingdom, a research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Research Center-Jülich, Germany, and a research scientist at the Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” in Moscow.

Evgeny Tsymbal’s research is focused on computational materials science aiming at the understanding of fundamental properties of advanced ferromagnetic and ferroelectric nanostructures and materials relevant to nanoelectronics and spintronics – relatively new research fields promising revolutionize electronic and data storage industries. First-principles calculations along with model approaches are employed to address a wide range of immensely challenging problems on different levels of complexity. An important ingredient of the research is a strong link to experimental investigations being performed at the University of Nebraska and in other academic and industrial laboratories throughout the world.

Evgeny Tsymbal has published over 300 papers, review articles and book chapters and presented over 200 invited talks in the areas of spin-dependent transport, magnetoresistive phenomena, nanoscale magnetism, complex oxide heterostructures, interface magnetoelectric phenomena, two-dimensional electron gases, and ferroelectric tunnel junctions. He is a co-editor of three-volume Spintronics Handbook: Spin Transport and Magnetism published in 2019. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Semiconductor Research Corporation, Office of Naval Research, Department of Energy, Nanoelectronics Research Corporation, Seagate Technology, and the W. M. Keck Foundation.

From 2007 to 2021, Evgeny Tsymbal served as Director of the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) “Polarization and Spin Phenomena in Nanoferroic Structures,” which involved over twenty faculty members from six departments of the University of Nebraska. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, MRSECs are centers of excellence that support interdisciplinary materials research and education of the highest quality. From 2013 to 2017,  he also served as Director of the Center for NanoFerroic Devices (CNFD) sponsored jointly by Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This multi-institutional center was charged with developing non-conventional electronic devices that can scale computer technology beyond CMOS.

Evgeny Tsymbal is a fellow of the American Physical Society, a fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK, and a recipient of the UNL’s Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award (ORCA).